Monday, December 14, 2009

Renaissance Art

Art can be the mirror of society because it reflects the view of the artist. Most artists, at that time like to paint pictures of real people, who are important for the society. For example, the paintings of powerful noble family like the Medichi Family. Besides that, artists also tend to paint their own impression of their society. Sometimes, their paintings are based on myth, natural environment or religious topic. Basically, artist at the era paint what they see and felt about their society. The painting ‘The school of Athens’ is a clear example of the effect of the Renaissance. Previously, paintings were only about Christian religion. However, during the Renaissance, artist began to move away from religious topic and to draw more on what they see from the society. I can see lot of scientist and mathematician from this painting and this shows that people start to think in a new and more scientific way to prove their knowledge. Therefore, during the Renaissance era, we can see the reflection of the society from the paintings.

If I were part of the painting ‘The school of Athens’ I would like to be Hypatia of Alexandria. Hypatia of Alexandria was the first educated woman, who has contributed to the development of math, astronomy and philosophy. I chose her because she represents the strength of the women, who was as intelligent and courageous as men. Until today, woman have to prove their intelligent of skills to men therefore, it is feel proud to see a woman amongst other men scholars. Like Alexandria, I like to challenge men in my society and try to beat them especially to show them that women also can be as intelligent as men. She encourage people especially women to express their opinion freely as “Reserve your right to think, for even to think wrongly is better than not to think at all.” In the past traditional Korean society, women have to respect and look up to men. Therefore, women didn’t get much chance to speak up. By this factor, I like to speak up for the women and shear my opinion with others. I want to develop these skills more and become a woman like Alexandria who can recognize by everyone.