Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Void Question (Band)

1. What would you call this sotry? (Title) Why?
- The title for this story can be 'A Black Box' because the focus of this story is the 'black box'. This story keeps tellling about the black box and makes audience curious aobut that box therefore, I think the main focus of this stroy is that box and it can be the title of the story.

2. Explain the power of the woid in this experience.
a) No title/Author information
b) No ending
c) text clues and foreshadowing throughout
d) Mystery paper
e) Delayed ending
- The first time, when we get the story, it doesn't have any title or author's name on it. Therefore, I can't guess what is going to be happen in the story or author's mind. However, throughout the story, there are some clues and foreshadowing which tell us about the title and the story line. This helps us to understand better and make the story more interesting. Also, the story doesn't have any ending at the end which made us think and curious about it. After we finish reading the story, teachers gave us a mystery paper which has black dot on it and says "Do not open untill 9PM". This paper create tension and make us to open it to read the ending part of the story. By reading this story, I could understand more clearly about the concept of the void, and learn how to create void in many different way.

3. Why did the author leave these voids in the story?
- The author leaves these voids in the story to make it more interesting so the readers can attach to it.

4.What would have helped you to make a better predicion?
- The foreshadowing and the clues in the story help to make a better predicion of the story.

5.How did you feel about the black box and the black spot/blank paper? Explain.
- I feel tension and anxiousness about the black box and the black spot because in the story, black box and black dot symbolize bad things/happen. Also, normally, color 'black' represent unfortunate.

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